Create your first workspace

All features of Vieolo revolve around workspaces and to use the Vieolo features, you need to be a member of a workspace.

Workspaces are the environments that have access to Vieolo modules. You can create as many workspaces as you wish, both for an individual and a business. Workspaces do not share data and you can create different workspaces for different purposes.

To create your first workspace, you can create a new workspace by clicking on the Add button on the left drawer. If you are using a mobile device, you can open the drawer by clicking on the menu button on the top-left corner of the page.

At the top of the workspace form, you can choose whether you want to create a personal or business workspace. The main difference between a personal and business workspace is the fact that you can invite other members to a business workspace while a personal workspace can only have one member. You can later convert a personal workspace to a business one. However, you cannot convert the other way around.

The following fields are required to create a new workspace:

  • Nickname: The internal name you use to identify the workspace. This name will not be shown to anyone outside your workspace.
  • Official Name: This is the name to be used for all the records and communications outside your workspace including correspondence, billing, etc.
  • Country: The country of your workspace. The country you select will have an impact on some of your preferences and billing settings.
  • Currency: The currency you use in your workspace. This currency will be the primary currency of your workspace in all of the modules available to your workspace.

Besides the mandatory fields, you can also add or modify many other details of your workspace. To view other details of your workspace, you can use the tabs at the top of the page to navigate to the other pages of the form.

Once you are happy with the details and preferences of your workspace, you can click on the save button.

Last Updated: May 2, 2024