Invite other members to a workspace

A business workspace can have multiple members. Each member will receive an invitation and has to accept the invitation to join a workspace.

The membership of a user in a workspace is independent of their membership in a different workspace. If you create a new workspace, you still need to invite every member even if they are already a member in another workspace you own.

Select the “Members” tab on the workspace detail page and click the “Add” button on the top-right corner of the page.

Main email

At the top of the form, you need to enter the email address of the member you want to invite. If the email belongs to an existing Vieolo user, they can join immediately. If the email does not belong to an existing Vieolo user, they can respond to your invitation after signing up for Vieolo. Either way, they will receive an email notifying them that you have invited them to join your workspace.

Work email

Your member can be using a dedicated email within your organization which might be different from the one they use as their primary email for their Vieolo account.

If you provide a work email for a member, all of the communications from the workspace will be redirected toward the work email.

Name and contact information

You can enter the full name of your member. This name is only for the use of the workspace and will not affect the account of the member.

The name you enter here will be used for all communications between the workspace and the member. If no name is provided here, Vieolo will use the name entered in the personal account of the member. However, since the member can change their name in their personal account, we encourage you to manually enter the names and contact information of your members for more reliable and consistent data.

Personal and Tax ID

This information is purely used for your record-keeping purposes and won't have any effect on the functionalities of your workspace.

Employment ID

Every member who joins your workspace will automatically receive a unique numerical employment ID from Vieolo. In many cases, this numerical ID will be sufficient.

If, however, you use an external identification system, you can enter that in the external employment ID section.


This message will be displayed in your invitation to the member. After the user has responded to the workspace invitation, this message will have no further use.

After sending the invitation

Once the invitation is sent, you can view the list of sent invitations in the “Members” tab by selecting the “Invitations” option from the dropdown on the top-left corner of the page.

You can revoke an invitation before getting a response from the receiver. If an invitation is revoked, the receiver will not see the invitation any longer.

Last Updated: May 2, 2024